Living in a Podcast

Episode 1

WOW Living Opening (EN Version)

It’s time, our first podcast episode is out with Raphael Amrein (co-owner) and Dominic Meyer (founder). In the future we will regularly publish new episodes on the subject of serviced apartments. The first episode is about the process of founding WOW Living, Raphael joining the company and the opening of our first apartment building.

In the future we will also interview guests from the industry and pick up on important topics within the real estate industry and especially the field of serviced living. Do you have any topics you would like to hear more about? Give us a comment or wright us a message.

This is our first episode in a foreign language, so thank you for indulging us, we will improve.

Episode 2

WOW Untermiete (DE Version)

It’s time, our first podcast episode is out with Raphael Amrein (co-owner) and Dominic Meyer (founder). In the future we will regularly publish new episodes on the subject of serviced apartments. The first episode is about the process of founding WOW Living, Raphael joining the company and the opening of our first apartment building.

In the future we will also interview guests from the industry and pick up on important topics within the real estate industry and especially the field of serviced living. Do you have any topics you would like to hear more about? Give us a comment or wright us a message.

This is our first episode in a foreign language, so thank you for indulging us, we will improve.

Episode 3

What is a Serviced Apartment? (EN Version)

In our third episode we talk about our main product and our great love of serviced apartments. We try to explain everything you need to know based on our personal experience and know-how from over 10 years.

Episode 4

Sauberkeit als Lebenseinstellung (DE Version)

Um sich wie zu Hause zu fühlen gibt es viele Faktoren die wichtig sind. Doch über allem steht die Sauberkeit. Um sich in einem Serviced Apartment wohl zu fühlen braucht es ein top Team das für die Reinigung zuständig ist. Was es da für Herausforderungen gibt und welche speziellen Geschichten diese Aufgabe mit sich bringen, erzählt euch Stefanie Lujic von

To feel at home there are many factors that are important. But above all is cleanliness. In order to feel comfortable in a serviced apartment, you need a top team that is responsible for cleaning. Stefanie Lujic from tells you what challenges there are and what special stories this task entails.

Episode 5

We love furniture (EN Version)

A very important part of a serviced apartment is the furniture. Many factors must always be considered. That's why we work with long-term partners. Ahmad Touhami from Swiss Legacy Consulting GmbH is the best in his field. He has already completely furnished many thousands of apartments. Many stories and legacies have come together over the years.

In the future, too, we will always look for the best solutions for our serviced apartments so that our guests feel at home.

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